Director's message

In a hand book for aspiring journalists published in 1894 Edwin L Shuman shared what he called one of the most valuable secrets of this profession at its present stage of development. “Truth in essentials and imagination in non-essential is considered a legitimate rule of action in every media office.” Failure to promote truth and honesty will most likely result in society’s loss of confidence, respect, and trust in the media.

The media industry in India is so vast and rich with the diversity of languages and cultures, and offers enormous opportunities for youngsters. According to the recent studies, media will be one of the top 10 job providing industries in the country in the coming years. It is in this perspective that we place the relevance of media studies.

NISCORT, being one of the national institutions of the Catholic Church in India is committed to train dynamically skilled, value based and knowledgeable media professionals for the society. NISCORT is your gate way to media studies and our curriculum is well balanced with theory and practice. We have skilled and committed faculty with academic and industrial expertise. Make maximum use of all the facilities available at the college and let your learning process be an enriching and memorable one.

As we all know the roots of education are bitter but the fruit is sweet. So, commit yourself, and develop a passion for learning. Never be satisfied with the minimum; dedicate your best. Do an extra project if you really want to excel in your carrier. When you pass out from this institute you should be ethically formed and technically skilled to compete with the secular media industry. As our former president late A.P.J. Abdul Kalam says, “Confidence and hard work are the best medicine to kill the disease called failure. It will make you a successful person. Without your involvement you can’t succeed. With your involvement you can’t fail”.

With good wishes,

Fr. Rodrigues Robinson Sylvester